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15-17 апреля 2010 в Париже состоится очередное 79-е заседание Исполкома ВФНР




15-17 апреля 2010 в Париже состоится очередное 79-е заседание Исполкома ВФНР. Это первое рабочее заседание Исполкома, в котором российская сторона впервые после многолетнего перерыва будет представлена в статусе полноправного участника.
Предварительная повестка заседания, предложения для обсуждения, направленные некоторыми участниками, приведены в приложенном файле.
Профсоюз РАН также предложено подготовить свои выступления по ряду вопросов, обозначенных в приложении. Совет профсоюза и его комиссия по международным делам уже ведут эту работу. Предложения и пожелания членов профсоюза будут с благодарностью приняты.

Комиссия по международным делам профсоюза

79th session of the Executive Council
Paris, April 15, 16 2010

Provisional agenda

 Adoption of the report of the former session of the Executive Council and of the  General Assembly
1) Opening remarks of the President

2) Report of the Secretary-General on the functioning of the WFSW:

3) Treasurer ‘s report

4) General Discussion
i- the international social and environmental crisis
ii- science, research and scientists in the crisis
iii- the role of the WFSW and of affiliated organizations

5) Our activities: in particular : condition of scientists, sciences and democracy, disarmament, bioethics, youth and science, the “brain drain”, research and “public service”, question of energy (needs and resources).State of achievements, goals and projects.

6) Next meeting of the Executive Council

7) Any other business

Dear colleagues, I am please to invite you to participate in the next meeting of the Executive Council, April 15 and 16, 2010.
The meeting will take place:

At 9H30, at the head office of the WFSW

Room “rotonde”

CGT, 263 rue de Paris, 93100 MONTREUIL

You will find attached, the proposed agenda.
I would like to inform you of two other events:
- an “open” seminar dedicated to the question of energy, will continue our debates, on Friday afternoon, 14 H – 17 H, in the office of Snesup, Paris
- a session of our ICD (International Commission on Disarmament chaired by Shreesh Juyal) will take place on Saturday morning -10 H – 13 H in the WFSW office
Looking forward to seeing you in Paris,

Yours Jean-Paul Lainé, President

Please keep this letter: it will be requested at the reception desk.
May I ask you to tell us quickly your accommodation and  visa needs?

Proposal for discussion of disarmament in WFSW EC meeting (April 15-16, 2010)


On February 15 (2010), an international coalition of over 250 groups under the banner “For Peace and Human Needs: Disarmament Now!” launched a campaign calling on US President Obama and other world leaders to begin negotiations to eliminate nuclear weapons worldwide at or before the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference to be held at the United Nations in New York City this May.  The global campaign “May UN Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference is focal point for international organizing” must promptly be developed worldwide.
On the seventh anniversary of the largest peace demonstration in world history (the historic February 15, 2003 mobilization against the anticipated US-led war on Iraq that saw 12 million people around the world march for peace), an international network of more than 250 organizations publicly launched a campaign to press US President Obama and other world leaders to initiate negotiations to abolish nuclear weapons world wide.  The coalition, organizing under the banner “For Peace and Human Needs: Disarmament Now!” calls for negotiations on ridding the planet of the scourge nuclear weapons to begin at or before the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of Review Conference (NPT RevCon) at the United Nations in New York City this May.  Representatives of the world’s governments will gather at the UN for nearly a month, to strengthen the global non-proliferation regime.  While President Obama has raised hopes with important speech calling for a world free of nuclear weapons (Prague: April 5, 2009), it has been disappointed that negotiations for arms reductions with Russia are going slowly, the US Senate is not moving to ratify important treaties like the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and that President Obama does not show any program for eliminating nuclear weapons, but calls for a major increase of the budget in funding to modernize the US nuclear weapons complex.  
It is said that some 2,000 Japanese citizens, including more than 100 Hibakusha (A- and H-bomb survivors) will come to New York to join the US citizens in action.  Having lived with agonies in both mind and body, the Hibakusha carry a message to Government leaders and the citizens the world over, that there should never be another Hiroshima or Nagasaki anywhere on the earth, and that nuclear weapons should totally be banned and abolished. 
The possible eliminations of nuclear weapons have clearly been demonstrated in the following examples (cf. NTI Nuclear Disarmament).  (1) Belarus formally had 81 Soviet SS-25 Sickle missiles with warheads and an unknown number of tactical nuclear weapons placed on its territory.  All have been transferred to Russia.  The process of transferring tactical warheads was completed in May 1992, (2) Kazakhstan had 1,410 Soviet strategic nuclear warheads placed on the territory.  One of the Soviet’s two major nuclear test sites was located at Semipalatinsk.  All the Soviet-era nuclear warheads were transferred to Russia by April 1995 and destroyed was the nuclear testing infrastructures at Semipalatinsk by July 2000, (3) Ukraine had 176 Soviet SS-19 and SS-24 ICBMs with 1,240 warheads and 44 strategic bombers as well as an unspecified number of tactical nuclear warheads placed on the territory.  By June 1996, all warheads had been removed from the country and transferred to Russia, (4) South Africa manufactured 6 air-deliverable nuclear weapons.  Each device contained 55kg HEU.  Each weapon had an estimated yield of 10-18 kilo tones.  By 1991, all devices and associated production facilities were dismantled, and the HEU has been placed under IAEA safeguards. (5) Those countries joined the NPT in 1993 (Belarus), 1994 (Kazakhstan), 1994 (Ukraine), and 1991 (South Africa), respectively.
Speaking for German and European movements, Reiner Braun of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists said, “We are organizing because we urgently need concerned people the world over to demand an end to politics as usual.  We must demand that the nuclear powers to fulfill their NPT Article VI obligation to commence negotiations to completely eliminate their nuclear arsenals.  The time is now to start negotiations to ban nuclear weapons, and to turn away from militarism and toward human and environmental security.”  An international planning committee made up of peace, disarmament and social justice organizations from Japan, Britain, France, Germany and the US is coordinating many events around the NPT RevCon to show international grassroots support for nuclear disarmament, ending the war in the Middle East, and demanding to cut the global military spending in order to fund human needs and environmental restoration.
An international petition campaign calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons, initiated by Japanese peace groups in August 2008, will pick up steam between now and the NPT RevCon.  Activists from across the world will deliver millions of petition signatures to the world leaders during the first week of the NPT RevCon, which convenes May 3, and will be delivering the US petitions to the White House before the NPT RevCon begins  Days before the NPT RevCon begins, on April 30 and May 1, an intemationa1 educational and organizing conference on peace, disarmament, social justice and environmental issues will be held at Manhattan’s historic Riverside Church and surrounding venues, with more than 1,000 people expected to attend.  Sunday, May 2 will be the International Day of Action for a Nuclear Free World.  Tens of thousands of people including nuclear weapons victims from Japan and other nations, and Japanese peace activists, will march across mid-town Manhattan in a peace march, rally and festival, which will stimulate the UN Parallel events be held in many European and Asian nations.
Let us support these grassroots movements towards a great success of the NPT RevCon and continue to march for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.

(Seiji YUASA: Vice President of the World Federation of Scientific Workers)

Dear Colleagues,

I join President, Prof. Jean-Paul Laine (France); First Vice President, Dr. Frederico Carvalho (Portugal), and E.C. member, Prof. Arnoldo Ventura (Jamaica) in wishing you a very happy New Year. I also hope, 2010 with bring the possibility of a tangible, enforceable multilateral global treaty on Nuclear Disarmament, International Peace and Security much closer to realization. A realization such as this, and a Climate Change treaty would save this generation and the
posterity from the imminent, if not impending annihilation from global disasters.

As you may be well aware, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon's five-point plan for nuclear disarmament calls for

1) All States to negotiate an international nuclear weapons convention for the elimination of nuclear weapons, backed by an effective and enforceable verification system;

2) The UN Security Council to discuss security assurances withnon-nuclear States, and to convene a global summit on nuclear disarmament;

3) The international community to pursue institutionalization of eight nuclear treaties, including the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the strengthening of the International Atomic Energy Agency;

4) Nuclear States to be more transparent about the size of their arsenals, stocks of fissile material and specific disarmament achievements;

5) All States to pursue the elimination of other weapons of mass destruction, including new efforts against terrorist attacks, and the ban of new missile and space weapons.

In 2009, the UN Secretary General also launched a multimedia disarmament campaign-WMD-WE MUST DISARM.

Previously in April 2009, EC member Prof. Seiji Yuasa (Japan) circulated a proposal for an achievable plan of action for nuclear disarmament.

President Jean-Paul Laine in consultation with the Secretariat has called for a meeting of the Executive Council in April (2010) to be held in Paris, France.

Our Federation's 20th General Assembly resolved that the International Commission on Disarmament, Security and Peace dedicate particular attention to the questions of nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction, and the development of new weapons. As part of my duty as the chairman of the International Commission, I was expected to establish contacts with scientific workers possessing expertise and/information in the referred subjects with the purpose of establishing a network of collaborations to enable the operation of the international commission.
I have, so far, been able to contact all of you as part of the International Commission's collaborators (representing Chile, France, Japan, Russia, Algeria, the United States, Canada, India, Portugal ), and expect to establish further contacts and report to the EC.

I, therefore, seek your advice whether we could meet before/ during the EC session  for the purpose of developing collective proposals/recommendations re. a plan of  feasible action.
I hope to e-mail you further information regarding the progress in the global nuclear disarmament process.

With warm regards,
Dr. Shreesh Juyal, M.A., Drs., D.Litt., Fellow CIIA
Chairman, International Commission on Nuclear Disarmament, Security & Peace
E-mail: < >
Telephone:  (613) 766-5527

Cher Vyacheslav!

Je viens de renvoyer aux membres du CE un appel pour nous prИvenir maintenant rapidement de  votre prИsence. Comme pour le collХgue Cheikhou qui participais Ю notre rencontre enoctobre Ю paris, nous avons des projets concrets Ю faire avancer :j'espХre donc que votre organisation va Йtre reprИsentИe (tu m'avais laissИ entendre que vous viendriez Ю plusieurs).

Suite Ю ton message de novembre qui ciblait sur 2 problХmes: le pillage des cerveaux (et les promesses de traitement de" faveur"par votre gouvernement pour les faire rentrer) et l'investissement public dans la recherche, Jean-Pierre Bazin s'est proposИ de rИaliser une Иtude sur le "brain drain" en gИnИral : ce sera un point de dИbat dans notre CE.

Enfin, je voudrais te dire que je suis en contact avec une responsable du syndicat des enseignants bulgares qui serait prЙte Ю organiser une rencontre FMTS Ю Sofia avec des organisations d'Europe centrale et orientale : ton rТle y serait Иvidemment trХs important : nous pourrons en parler Ю Paris.
En attendant de tes nouvelles. AmitiИs.
