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Inventory 1
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Опись 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
NumberNameMaterial type
001Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “The electronic theory of the matter structure”. S. I. Vavilov’s lecture on chemistry for senior students of the VIII-the grade of the Moscow business school.presentation
002Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. (Radio engineering).graphic charts, drafts
003Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “To the question about oscillation frequency of the loaded antenna”.article
004Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “To the question about oscillation frequency of the loaded antenna”. Journal of experiments.notebook
005Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. Two remarks about the theory of radiation of Lorentz thin metal plates.article, fragments
006Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. To the Lorentz theory of radiation.articles
007Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Two remarks about Beer’s law”.article
008Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. (About Beer’s and Lambert's law).rough article
008Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. Absorption of polarized light. Register of experiments.notebook
010Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Boegueur - Lambert's law and the theory of quanta".article
011Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Boegueur's law and the theory of quanta".rough article
012Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “About the limits of independence of light absorption coefficient from brightness”.article
013Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “About the limits of Bogueur - Lambert's law satisfiability”. Journal of registration of the results of experiments.notebook
014Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “About the correlation between the molecule size and amount of absorbed radiation energy”.article
015Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “About independence of the light absorption coefficient from brightness”.article
016Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Consequences of independence of the light absorption coefficient from brightness”.article
017Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “About independence of the light absorption coefficient from brightness”.article
018Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Absorption of light of negligibly small intensities”.article
019Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Absorption at fluorescence”. Register of experiments.notebook
020Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. Absorption in fluorescing media. Journal of experiments, metering, drafts.notebook
021Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. (Absorptions by light material medium) absorptions at high and low brightness.rough drafts
022Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “About the range of action of fluorescing molecules in solutions”.presentation
023Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “About methods for the assessment of comparative light resistance of colored fabrics”.rough article
024Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “About the correlation between the molecule size and the amount of absorbed radiation energy”.rough article
025Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “About the limits of Bougueur's absorption law satisfiability in connection with the theory of quanta”.rough draft
026Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Measurement of weak electric currents by means of a shunted telephone”.rough article
027Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “The phosphoroscope with rotating mirrors”.meterings, draft
028Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “To the theory of photothermic biomolecular reactions”.article
029Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. Chloroplatinum acids decomposition by light and laws of photochemical kinetics”.rough article, fragments
030Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Diffractional phenomena in a moving system and the hypnosis of immobile ether”.article
031Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. "Beitrage zur Frage uber polarisiertesFluoressenslicht von Farbstofflosungen".article
032Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “To the theory of biomolecular photochemical reactions”.article
033Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Investigations in the area of light absorption and secondary processes of absorption”.article
034Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. "Polarisationsmessungen" (polarization measurements). Graphs, diagrams, results of experiments.graphic charts and diagrams
035Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Fluorescenin in water”.records of experiments, notebook
036Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “The summary of the results of June-July experiments on the difference between longitudinal and transversal effect”.notebook
037Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Measurements with a fixation point at one position of inlet spike”. Journal of registration of the results of experiments.graphic charts, notebook
038Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. A workbook. Records of observations, extracts from foreign literature on physics.notebook
039Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Optic colloquium”. “Physical bases of television”.records, notebook
040Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “The fluctuation of light flux”. Notebook with extracts, calculations, drafts.notebook
041Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Visual measurements of statistical fluctuations of photon flux”.article
042Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Physical basis of luminescent – analysis”. Theses and fragments of unfinished educational article.theses, fragment
043Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “The nature of blue luminescence of pure liquids at Y-rays propagation”.article
044Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. A report on work of the Commission for the Study of Stratosphere at the Physical Institute given at a meeting of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.draft
045Vavilov Sergei Ivanovichl. “The theory of fluorescence quenchering in liquids under the impact of the second type”.draft article
046Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Fluorescence quenchering”. Abstracts of the presentation at the State Optical Institute.theses of the presentation
047Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Fluctuations and blinking photometer”. A notebook, laboratory records.diary
048Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. “Some ideas about perspectives of luminescent analysis in application to minerals”. A shorthand record of the presentation at the conference on color and geochemistry.stenogram
049Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. Fluctuation.Records of experiment measurements
050Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich. Perspectives of luminescent analysis of minerals.article, fragment


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